Kitty Doll Linda
November 26th, 2017 by Proprietor
Back with a new Brady post.

The Brady Bunch is loaded with props that were part of or a focus of a story, then eventually became part of the background. Animals were treated the same way, except Tiger, and Fluffy ended up in oblivion. Come to think of it, people were treated in the same fashion, the Kelly Family and Cousin Oliver. At least Sam the Butcher made it into the movies.
Cindy Brady was the youngest child, and in befitting with a child of her age, she played with dolls, pretending to be a mother. Cindy’s favorite doll was Kitty Carryall. Alliteration aside, the doll, as described by Susan Olsen, was creepy. Probably purchased from Driscoll’s Toy Store, since the doll is seen in the background during Peter Brady hero episode. Cindy played with the doll and referred to the doll in several episodes.

In one episode, Cindy sat playing mother, and Bobby entered proudly playing a kazoo, when Cindy snaps at him to be quite. Kitty is sleeping. Bobby retorts back about Kitty being a dumb old doll, and states that he wishes it would disappear. Simple sibling squabbling. Shortly after, Cindy finds Kitty is missing. Naturally to a little girl, her world is devastated, and the drama begins. Cindy accuses Bobby of the doll napping. Then Bobby’s kazoo goes missing, and he blames Cindy.
While all of the drama and false accusations are going on, Tiger has developed a habit of filching objects. Oddly no one thinks about the dog as being a possible culprit, even though he has already proven to be a deft thief.
Mike and Carol lecture both of the youngest children about casting blame or accusations without evidence. Though innocent, Bobby begins to see his sister’s loss, and in a sympathetic gesture, purchases another doll. Cindy unfortunately cannot seem to love the new doll, though it is the same as her old doll. Cindy cast aside the substitute doll. Luckily Tiger decides to add to his collection of objects, grabs the doll, and heads to his doghouse.

Following the four footed felon to his den, Mike digs through the house, tossing out various pilfered items for comic effect, until he finds Bobby’s kazoo, and two dolls. Cindy somehow grabs one doll claiming it is hers, and joyfully apologizes to Bobby. Tiger is chastised for his part in the whole mystery, and appears repentant. Then shortly after gets a female dog across town pregnant, and ends up at that farm all troublesome dogs seem to go to.
Kitty would appear again. This time part of a mystery of another type. Greg’s grades in math were falling, and evidence pointed to a case of puppy love. Carol and Alice went into full detective mode to find out if there is a girl named Linda that the children no of that Greg secretly harbors a crush on. Alice noses around the girls room, while Cindy plays with Kitty. Eventually asking about the dolls names. Cindy is curious as to why Alice is fixated on the name Linda. Rather than explain the complex affairs of the heart to Cindy, Alice makes something up about Linda being a pretty name, and a pretty girl should have a pretty name. The scene ends with Cindy telling Kitty to give Linda (Alice) a kiss.

After that episode, Kitty moved to somewhat background status. Like a box of Safe Laundry Detergent in the laundry room, Kitty was on Cindy’s bed in the girls room, until Cindy became too old for dolls. Then Kitty disappeared down the memory hole like Tiger and Fluffy.
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