Shows Commercials Movies
October 8th, 2017 by Proprietor
Though The Brady Bunch launched numerous spinoffs, sequels, and movies, the Brady Bunch had numerous appearances on the small screen and even big screen within the show. The children discovering family groups were big, decided to perform several times on variety shows for prizes. One show performing as the Silver Platters to hopefully win the money to pay for their parent’s anniversary gift. Bobby and Cindy had a dust up about appearing on a television quiz show.

One of the major events that struck the Brady House transpired when a producer/director decided to cast the Brady family in a commercial for laundry detergent. The Brady’s go over the script, and contract, Mike has a few questions. One of the major questions is, does the Brady Bunch use the product advertised or believe in it? Carol had stated they had stopped using the product Safe Laundry Detergent, because it did not do a good job at cleaning. After talking to the producer/director he brings up the point that, the Brady’s have not used the New & Improved Safe Laundry Detergent. The Brady’s do a wash test, and it turns out, Safe is the preferred detergent, and the family decides to do the commercial.
Then hilarity ensues as the family begins to learn method acting, and over acts the parts. The producer/director decides to cancel the whole thing, and ironically mentions, with disgust, the name of the actress, whom the Brady’s had learned from. In the closing scene, a large truck pulls up, and drops off a years supply of laundry detergent as payment for the work the Brady’s did. Like the Driscoll’s Toy Store Box in the carport, this commercial would lead to a Safe Laundry Detergent Box appearing in the laundry room for every Brady show after.

Then there was Bobby, always competitive Bobby. He could not win anything, then one day, while feeling sorry for himself, he was watching a kid’s show, Cartoon King. There was an ice cream eating contest. Bobby could really eat ice cream. Since that was all Bobby wanted was to win something, this was a lock. To win the golden spoon would justify Bobby’s existence. Bobby’s perpetual desire to win at something would eventually lose him the use of his legs, but that is for later. Bobby went on the television show, after several false starts, because the Cartoon King wanted to add whipped cream to the tops of the ice cream, and various other gags, Bobby buried his face into the ice cream. After thirty seconds, Bobby emerged a loser. But, the family would not let Bobby remain down on himself, and held a surprise party, with cake, and ice cream.
Bobby would lose an opportunity to be on television again. This time to his younger sister Cindy. Both siblings had tried out for a quiz show at school, and were picked to go further in the audition process. Bobby was overconfident, did not study, and thus did not make it. Cindy, studied hard, and succeeded in getting onto the quiz show. Then she froze with a stare that showed true horror, and her team lost the show. At least Cindy did not lose the use of her legs.

Even though Greg would produce a home movie for a history class presentation, and have numerous run ins at the drive in movies with events brought on by Bobby, it would be Cousin Oliver whom would get the Brady Bunch into a movie as extras. Though Oliver’s arrival was filled with perpetual bad luck due to his over enthusiastic nature, because he was with the Brady’s entering a movie studio for a tour, and he was the last in the group, he was the studio’s one millionth visitor. Because of this, Cousin Oliver and the Brady Bunch became extras in a 1920s type movie. Which collapsed into a major pie fight. Cakes would have been more hilarious.
The major television event that a Brady would star in, was a labor day racing event. Bobby, now an adult, had begun to compete professionally as a race car driver. He had dropped out of graduate school, and joined a race team, becoming skilled enough to win a position in a major race. If he won that major race, his career as a race car driver would be assured. Then tragedy struck. Bobby spun out, and was struck by another car. Bobby ended up paralyzed from the waste down. Though not permanently according to doctors, it would be a while before he could walk again.
Cindy upon graduating college became a morning DJ and show hostess for a local radio station. She was doing a live broadcast of the race, when Bobby was hurt.
After these events, Mike did appear on television when he launched his political career as a city counsel man. That is where the story ends.
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